Seeking A Post-Separation Modification

At the end of the divorce or separation process, the court will issue a final order with regard to spousal support, child support, parenting time, property division (equalization of assets) and other matters. Because people’s circumstances often change, it may be possible to modify the final court orders and terms of a separation agreement.
The family lawyers of Daniels Law Firm in Ottawa have expensive experience with modifying the terms of a final order or separation agreement while protecting the best interests of children if they may be subject to any such agreements. Daniels Law Firm is equipped to assist you in either way.
Grounds For Modifying Child Support And Child Custody Arrangements
In Ontario, courts look to what is in the best interest of the children before modifying court orders. Some of the common changes in circumstances that can lead to a modification include:
- A significant change in financial circumstances, such as a raise, new job, job loss or downturn in business
- An expensive medical emergency affecting a child or parent
- A parent wishing to relocate out of Ontario or out of Canada
- A child’s safety becoming endangered
- One parent seeking more decision-making authority over a child’s welfare
Many times, these modifications can be negotiated. In other cases, such as a parent wishing to relocate in a way that would affect the other parent’s access, it may be necessary to go to court. Daniels Law Firm will take whatever action is necessary to protect your rights.
Contact Daniels Law Firm Today To Learn More
To schedule a consultation with a family lawyer to discuss a post-separation or post-divorce modification, contact Daniels Law Firm online or call 613-867-6871 in Ottawa or 800-491-9279 toll free in Canada.