If you are getting married, your focus is likely on what lies ahead for you as a couple. While most of your thoughts should be full of promise and hope, it is important to also be pragmatic and remember that no one can predict the future. Because of this, one thing you will want to consider talking to your partner about is a prenuptial agreement or marital contract.
This can be a difficult conversation for people, as it’s not exactly romantic to talk about what happens if a marriage ends. However, these helpful tips can make it much easier.
- Bring it up sooner rather than later. Putting off the discussion could mean you wind up without an agreement or rushing through creating or signing one. If you wait too long, you may not have enough time to put one in place, and any contract you do make could ultimately be invalid.
- Give yourselves plenty of time to talk and ask questions. You also should not have to feel like you must rush the conversation. Give yourselves time to discuss your goals and hesitations and ask each other questions. So, instead of bringing up the subject before you head out the door to work, consider setting aside time after dinner or on the weekend when you both have the time and energy to devote to the subject.
- Start off on the right foot. One thing people tend to do is to assume prenups are an indication that someone doubts the strength of the relationship. However, you can clear this up by approaching the topic from the perspective of a marriage contract being a safety net that gives critical guidance during a tumultuous time that may never come.
- Be honest. Being open and forthcoming can be hard when discussing finances, ambitions or marital expectations. However, it is crucial that you are both honest in your discussions. If you lie, omit information or misrepresent essential details, you could find yourself in hot water with your partner – and potentially the law.
- Determine the next steps. After you decide what you want to do, commit to the next steps. These could involve scheduling a meeting with lawyers, reviewing legal requirements or gathering financial data.
These tips can help you navigate a complicated conversation and reach agreements confidently.