Ottawa Legal Blog

Tips for talking about a prenup with your partner

If you are getting married, your focus is likely on what lies ahead for you as a couple. While most of your thoughts should be full of promise and hope, it is important to also be pragmatic and remember that no one can predict the future. Because of this, one thing...

Can I change our parenting time arrangements?

Parenting time arrangements are critical in families' lives after divorce or separation. They give parents and children a sense of stability and predictability, which can be crucial after a parental split. However, things can and do change after some time. Kids get...

People who can help you divorce outside of court

It is not unusual for people to imagine the divorce process as spouses fighting in front of a judge. However, the reality is often very different from this. Not only do most people never set foot in a courtroom, but the process is generally more collaborative than...

4 important tips for mediating your divorce

Mediation is the process most people will rely on when ending their marriage with a divorce. Thus, if you are divorcing, chances are that mediation will play a role in the process. Below, we offer some helpful tips for making the most out of the mediation process. Tip...